AirSense 10 Elite CPAP machine with 4G Modem
The AirSense 10 Elite is ultra quiet and offers built-in wireless connectivity, sleep onset detection and respiratory support features.
Included with your purchase :
- Built-in humidifier, ClimateLine Air heated tubing, filter, built-in cellular modem and carry bag
- Programming of your device according to your prescription
- Access to online tools on our sleep support page
- 2-year manufacturer's warranty
Are you buying a CPAP device for the very first time ? The support service is highly recommanded !
The support service includes the following :
- Personalized support and treatment follow-up
- Digital pathway with access to numerous explanatory videos
- Remote or in-person cnsultation with a respiratory therapist for 5 years
- Evaluation and updating of your prescription and comfort settings
- Downloading and transmission of your adherence reports to your doctor
- On-treatment nocturnal saturometry (measurement of blood oxygen levels with your CPAP treatment) - Prescription required
Availability: Will ship within 5-7 business days